you never see edd's hair in a episode with the exception of 3 black strands hanging out from the back.
boom boom out goes the ed
It has never been revealed. Many people will tell you that Edd has slicked back hair as seen in the "Lunch Room Rumble" game on the CartoonNetwork website, however, this is NOT part of the Ed, Edd n Eddy canon as the game wasn't created by AKA Cartoon (The makers of Ed, Edd n Eddy).
"Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show"Well, technicaly, that is the name of the last Ed,Edd and Eddy MOVIE, but yes. that is the last thing that Cartoon Network and A.K.A productions have made at the moment.
I can't find any information that the show Ed, Edd n Eddy was sued.
The 3 edds in ed edd and eddy are called, Ed, Double D(Edward) and Eddy
"An Ed is Born"
Ed Edd and Eddy is a television show that has had 131 episodes. It is about a neighborhood that has three edÕs in it so they are called Òthe EdÕs.Ó There are more than on episode that the EdÕs are in the pool.
"The Ed-Touchables"
Ed n Seek.
Her name is Eddy no it's not. it's Marie Kanker.
No. Unfortunately there will not be an high school episode of Ed, Edd n Eddy. This because the creator of the show (Danny) Antonucci) has stopped making the show.
No. After the 2007 episodes on Cartoon Network, the show finished with a feature length episode ("Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show") in November 2009.
Yes. The Big Picture Show was the final episode.
Yes It did have a game. The games are Ed, Edd n Eddy The Mis-Edventures, Ed, Edd n Eddy Jawbreakere and Ed, Edd n Eddy Scam of the Century.
Edd n eddy