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114 if I recall correctly

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Q: What ep of Naruto showed orochimaru at his parents grave?
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they where both killed in the leaf village when orochimaru was young there is no information yet about how they died.There is an episode in naruto shippuden when orochimaru is standing by his parents grave with the third hokage and they see a skin of a rare white snake and the third tells orochimaru that it is a symbol of good luck.This inspired orochimaru to do the things that he did.

What happens in Naruto Shippuden episode 114?

Naruto Shippuden episode 114, Orochimaru sheds his old body and transforms into a large white serpent. He then remembers the time he found the cast off skin of a white snake in front of his parentsâ?? grave.

When harry goes to the grave who's grave does he look at?

His parents

Who kills Sasuke?

i think naruto is going to kill sasuke. because sasuke now knows the truth that it was the elders(including Danzo) that drove his brother to his grave. He now wants REVENGE on Konoha. or sasuke might kill naruto if they fight.

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In the grave

Does sucre die in prison break?

NO, last time they showed him was visiting Michael's grave along with the others.

Does orachimaru die in naruto shippeden?

*SPOILERS* Orochimaru is killed in a weakened state, in the hands of Sasuke. Along the line, Sasuke (stupidly) keeps Kabuto alive, which was a grave mistake, as Kabuto managed to fuse himself with Orochimaru and now he is running a full-blown war with the United Five Nations with "Madara" (who can no longer be validly known as Madara, as Madara is dead and revived as part of the Resurrection jutsu). In a nutshell, Orochimaru lives within Kabuto like Lord Voldemort lived within Harry Potter. Feel free to shudder.

What was the last image that the spirit made Scrooge see?

The last image that the spirit showed Scrooge was his own grave, with no one to mourn him and only the cold, harsh reality of his death. This vision shook Scrooge to his core and prompted him to make a transformation in his life.

What is the fourth book in the 39 clues series called?

The fourth book in the 39 Clues series is called "Beyond the Grave" written by Jude Watson.

Who dies in naruto movie 4?

no one dies except all those people near narutos grave are the people for that mission but naruto does die because the girl is having a dream and they are killing him so go on you and search naruto movie 4 because he cant die more than once but it is really a dream that came true and naruto did die so the girl who dreams of it becomes a fortune teller for konoha and everybody soon forgets about naruto and they all move on. and the new main charcter was konahamaru and he actually did become hokage and his role model was naruto before he died.

What are homonyms for grave?

Homonyms for "grave" include grave (serious or somber), grave (burial site), and grave (to dig).

What is a graveyard flower?

I always plant roses with my grandmother on her parents grave. So I think rose is a pretty graveyard flower. "A rose for everafter..."