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A "moot point" is when something could be considered irrelevant. "Academic" is a term used to describe a topic that is usually only discussed or studied simply to know about it, or exists as a tool to teach something else - its actual real-world application is either not significant or non-existent.
In the novel Last Days of Summer: What does Charlie describe Joey as?
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Genetic Engineering is the study and application of genetics for a better life/future. Genetic engineering can be used to produce medicines & to improve food crops. Researchers are also using genetic engineering to try to cure human genetic disorders.
As soon as the Incan ruler had conquered any kingdom and set up his government, he ordered that the farmland used to grow corn l be extended.
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Describe a time you were asked to do something you did not think was right.
No, descriptive data is not a technique; it is data that describe the sample such as mean, SD, mode, and range.
. A guest calls and he is very upset because he did not receive his wake up call. What do you say to the guest?
It's a sleek, engineering masterpiece.
Describe Aztec jewelry.
An achievement cluster is a term used in entrepreneurship to describe the characteristics needed for entrepreneurs. These characteristics are divided into three clusters: achievement, planning, and power.The achievement cluster includes the following characteristics:Opportunity seekingCommitment to the work contractPersistenceRisk takingDemand for efficiency and quality