She was known for having big eyes, long lashes and a thin build.
However, she was also known for promoting an "unhealthy" body ideal I believe they said.
She was also known for drawing long lashes under her bottom lashes.
Eyelashes and her boyish crop had a number of effects on the fashion world. There was even a Twiggy doll
Twiggy was a teenage model
Twiggy currently lives in London.
Twiggy's net worth is approximately $250,000,000.
Because she was considered very skinny for her day.
Eyelashes and her boyish crop had a number of effects on the fashion world. There was even a Twiggy doll
twiggy was the main fashion icon of the 60's and brought the fun childish style in trend.
Twiggy, the blonde, long-legged fashion model who popularized the desire to be thin and tall.
Twiggy in French is spelled the same way: "Twiggy."
The cast of Twiggy - 1969 includes: Twiggy
twiggy who?
Twiggy was a teenage model
No. Twiggy is alive and well.
Twiggy currently lives in London.
Twiggy had a three-year bout of bulimia
Twiggy has two older sisters. She is the youngest.
Twiggy's net worth is approximately $250,000,000.