yes, its very apparent that he has a very serious drug problem.
Tobacco is the most popular drug on college campuses.
Spencer was misusing 'Adderall' - a drug used to combat narcolepsy and ADHD.
He fell victim of a drug overdose while celebrating his return to music
''Pop a molly'' is a drug thats how i pretty use it as Example: Pop the drug im sweating more details for pop the drug search it on yahoo answers or more wiki answers
I would say music was her addiction especially Jazz! she had no drug addictions
you might identify a drug adicted baby by the way the mother has looked after herself while the baby was inside her.
Yes. If a mother who took drugs has a baby, then they would drug test the baby so the baby will not have a harder time with withdrawal.
Bath salts, baby.
the placenta will filter many things
Because you must have a history of drug use and the authorities want to make certain the baby will be safe in your care.Because you must have a history of drug use and the authorities want to make certain the baby will be safe in your care.Because you must have a history of drug use and the authorities want to make certain the baby will be safe in your care.Because you must have a history of drug use and the authorities want to make certain the baby will be safe in your care.
If you are using heroine you are giving your baby the drug. It is transmitted from you to the baby. If you are pregnant now STOP taking the drug NOW. Your baby will be born addicted and may have future problems in learning and behavior. If your baby is born and you are still using the drug and breastfeeding it stays until you stop. Child protective services can remove your baby because drug use during pregnancy and after is child abuse. GET HELP NOW.
No...its no worse then wred
No, there would be no reason to.
No. The baby will most likely have some form of a birth defect. Or it will die. In no way could the baby have rotting teeth because of drug use.
No it is not required but newborn babies who have been exposed to drugs will show evidence of the heart rate, decreased breathing, actual withdrawal symptoms from the drug etc., so if the doctor suspects maternal drug use they need to test the baby so they can treat the baby with proper treatment depending on the drug the baby was exposed to.