The word way is used to describe a fashion, manner, or mode. For instance, some people may find a new way to do things in order to become more organized.
Wai Choy's birth name is Wai Luon Choy.
So Wa Wai was born in 1981.
Kiu Wai Miu is 179.5 cm.
Kiu Wai Miu was born on June 18, 1958, in Hong Kong.
Fei Wai Tse's birth name is Jeffrey E. Welch.
Wai Wai Nui Mean
Ko wai tōu ingoa? = "What is my name?"
"Ko wai tou ingoa" means "What is your name?" in Maori.
In a place-name the prefix 'wai' would usually refer to water.
water bird
It means I Love You in Chinese
wai = water / tomo = hole
I wish you'll come back very soon
they dont and btw wai wai has cyanide in
"ʻO wai kou inoa mua" means "What is your first name?" in Hawaiian.
All I know is that Wai means water
Konami Wai Wai World happened in 1988.