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terribly sad

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Does tragically mean sad?

terribly sad

Will Danny Pedrosa ever smile?

Doubtful, he was tragically born without a personality. So sad....

What is an adverb for tragedy?

An adverb for the noun tragedy could be "tragically." It means in a sad, unfortunate, or tragic way.

Why was the giant sad?

His pet turtle died tragically after his other pet narwhal ate it in Ethiopia with a shark whale... :..(

What does it mean if someone says your tragically romantic?

sorrowful love

Is tragic an adverb?

No, it is not an adverb, but an adjective (sad, sorrowful, unfortunate). The adverb form is tragically.

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Is V Wars on Netflix?

Tragically, no it is not.

What is the antonym of tragically?

Antonyms of tragically include:happilycontentedlycheerfullygleefullyjoyfullyblissfullymerrily

What is a sentence for tragically?

We tragically lost our pet last week.The team tragically lost the finals.

What does Triste Yu mean in Chamorro?

I am sad.

When was The Tragically Hip created?

The Tragically Hip was created in 1983.