Lal Bokhari died in 1959.
Lal Darja was created in 1997.
Lala Lajpat Rai
Lal was in this group as each of them shared the same ideas against the moderates and also they are extremists.They supported each other.
Lal Shahbaz Qalandar was born in 1177.
All mixed up.
It is from the riddle Jawahar lal Nehru was the ____ of Indira Gandhi's father: the missing word is "name".
The 'Lal' in 'Lal, Bal. Pal' refers to Jawahar Lal Nehru.
If you mean Tom Riddle, he was Voldemort in the Harry Potter series of books and movies.
Cinnamon in Hindi is called "dalchini."
Midlife crisis
incompleted pass
Lal Bihari was born in 1961.
Banana Split