The lady in red represents a more exciting life. She is a distraction but also a false promise for something better. Something more exhilarating.
She is an escape from the droll responsibilities of real life.
An escape from doing the right thing.
She represents freedom from the harder roads in life one must take.
She represents everything we've always been told to want and she can make us believe that having her will make our life better.
But will it?
She is Satan's secret weapon... representing all your desires of sex, money and fame.
Through her, you will choose earthly pleasures over heavenly ones (spiritual ones).
Through her, Satan will win over your soul.
He has her waiting for you on every corner.
Can you learn to refuse her?
The lady in red does not actually have to be a "lady in red", that is merely the symbolism. An occult symbolism used by Hollywood and the media.
The lady in red is actually something different for each person. It could be a drug, a dream, money, some sort of worldly trap that can be placed in front of you, designed to take you out of the road.
However "Hollywood" has selected the Lady in red as a symbolic reference to that worldly trap, basically representing "sex" and "temptation".
Red Rose
A Red Clover, or Trifolium Pratense- a common "field" flower.
He wore suits, sweater vests, jackets, fancy clothes, etc.
- Reef:dark brown spiked up hair usually wearing red board shorts - Emma: red ponytail, casual and usually wearing pink shorts - Finn: blonde, shaggy, short hair usually wearing bather bottoms with rash top - Lo (lauren): long beach waves, with purple flower and loves tanning and shopping. - Broseph- curly, blonde hair and usually wearing cream board shorts - Johnny- black short hair and usually wears full surfer suit. - Andrew Bomber (Bummer)- blonde short hair always bossing around and calling them 'slackers' Okay so they are the main ones hope i helped!!
that would be Chloe Wepper
It is the Poppy flower which the Brits wear to honor veterans from WWI--although it is now a symbol for all veterans.
It means red flower It means red flower
The red rose.
Red roses
the mother of the bride should wear red because it color coordinates well.
Red CarnationsRoses or orchids.
The name Dembo is a very special name and it mean's flower. It doesn't mean any flower no it a very special red rose and the name Dembo is not American names. Is a Congolese name not many people have that name and if you have that name Dembo you are bless and you are special too.
The "red flower" was the name the animals of the jungle gave to fire.
Many people enjoy wearing the color red. Some say redheads cannot wear red, but most recently at the SAG awards a famous redhead was touted for wearing red.
blood, death. which also became a sign of honor as in the wearing of a red crest in their helmets.
if you mean scent :P you go to tink tree and click on the base of the scent flower(stripy red and white flower)
A red flower absorbs most colors in the visible spectrum except red. Red is reflected by the flower, leading to its red appearance.