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the name suggests that the town is barren, lifeless without joy

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Q: What does the name of the town starkfield suggest?
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No, Corbury Junction is not a town in "Ethan Frome." The fictional town in Edith Wharton's novel is Starkfield, Massachusetts. Corbury Junction is mentioned in passing but is not a significant location in the story.

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You might try using the name of the town it is in, and then either the words bakery of confectionery. For example, if the name of the town it's in is Middlebury, a god name might be Middlebury Confectionery or Middlebury Bakery.

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Location: Starkfield, Massachusetts Time period: early 19th century.

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The story of "Ethan Frome" by Edith Wharton takes place in the late 19th century, specifically in the 1890s in a fictional New England town called Starkfield. The exact year is not explicitly mentioned in the novella.

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