it means nice and funny
The above answer is not correct.
The name 'Marisol' actually stands for 'sea and sun'. Take 'Mar', meaning: sea (or Ocean); 'i' meaning: and (in Spanish it's with a 'Y'), then you have '-sol', meaning: sun. So, Mar Y sol, is Marisol.
This is my name, I'm Mexican. :)
Marisol Thomas's birth name is Marisol Maldonado.
Marisol Urban Grossi's birth name is Marisol de Abreu Urban.
Marysol is a variant of the name Marisol meaning "beloved sun"
the actresses name is Marisol Nichols
Marisol Thomas is 5' 7".
Marisol's last name in "Marisol and Magdalena" is Reyes.
Marisol Thomas's birth name is Marisol Maldonado.
Marisol Giraud's birth name is Marisol Giraud.
Marisol Santacruz's birth name is Marisol Santacruz Bauelos.
Marisol Crousillat's birth name is Marisol Crousillat Carreo.
The name Marisol is of Spanish origin and is a combination of the names "María" and "Soledad." It typically translates to "Mary of Solitude" or "Sea and Sun."
Marisol Urban Grossi's birth name is Marisol de Abreu Urban.
"Casa del Marisol" translates to "House of Marisol" in English.
Marysol is a variant of the name Marisol meaning "beloved sun"
Marisol means the ocean and the sun.
The name Marisol is a combination of "mar" meaning sea and "sol" meaning sun in Spanish, so it symbolizes the connection between the ocean and the sun.