her name is Gabriella Cilmi
Aubrey Banks's birth name is Nicole Langdon
Isabela. That's how u spell it in spanish but u can also spell it with 2 Ls. Gabriella Isabela Montez is her full name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gabriella Cilmi Warm This Winter - available on Itunes
Sascha Ferguson's birth name is Sascha Gabriella Corwin.
Norman Maen's birth name is Norman Maternaghan.
Gabriella Andreini's birth name is Gabriella Baistrocchi.
Gabriella Grimaldi's birth name is Gabriella Boccardo.
her name is Gabriella Cilmi
Gabriella Loria's birth name is Gabriella Louise Loria.
Gabriella Smit's birth name is Gabriella Mari Smit.
Gabriella Palminteri's birth name is Gabriella Rose Palminteri.
Gabriella Wilde's birth name is Gabriella Zanna Vanessa Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe.
Gabriella Lamiel's birth name is Gabrielle Rich.
The name brietta means strong yet buttiful