-vert-, -vers-, -verg- means "turn or turn away, bend, incline". (other variants of -vers are -vort-, -vorc-)
There are numerous words that contain this word part and below is a list of college level words broken down into their word parts:
adverse adj. (ad-, to + -vers-, turn away) Acting against, or in a contrary direction; opposed; contrary; opposite; conflicting. [Adverse denotes active opposition or hostility; as adverse interests; the adverse party.]
adversity n. (adverse- + -ity, Ch, C, S) Affliction; distress; misery; disaster; trouble; suffering; trial.
advert v. (ad-, to + -vert-, turn) To turn the mind or attention; to refer; to take heed or notice. Keyword: advertise [Not to be confused with avert below.]
advertiser n. (advert- + -ise, make + -er) One who or that which advertises.
animadversion n. (L. animadvertare, to turn the mind to, censure, criticize, L. animus, mind + ad-, to + -vers-, turn + -ion, S, P, R, A) Remarks by way of censure or criticism; reproof; blame.
animadvert v. (L. animus, mind + ad-, to + -vert-, turn) To consider or remark by way of criticism or censure.
averse adj. (L. aversus, pp of avertere, to turn away) Having a repugnance or opposition of mind; disliking; disinclined; unwilling; reluctant. Averse expresses an habitual, though not of necessity a very strong dislike; as averse to study.
aversion n. (averse- + -ion , C, A, R, S) Opposition or repugnance of mind; dislike; disinclination..
avert v. (av-, to + -vert-, turn) To turn aside, or away; to ward off, or prevent the occurrence or effects of. [Not to be confused with advert above.]
converge v. (con-, together + -verg-, turn, bend) To cause to bend to one point; to cause to incline and approach nearer together.
convergent adj. (converge + -ent, TW) Tending to one point of focus; tending to approach each other.
conversant adj. (con-, together + -vers-, turn + -ant, OW) Familiar or acquainted by use or study; well-informed; versed.
conversion n. (con-, with, together + -vers-, turn + -ion , C, A, R, S) The act of turning or changing from one state or condition to another, or the state of being changed; transmutation; change.
convertible adj. (con-, with, together + -vert-, turn, bend + -ible, capable of) Capable of being changed; transmutable, transformable.
divergence (GRE) n. (dis-, apart + -verg-, turn, incline + -ence, S, Qu, A, R) The act of receding from each other or moving from a common center; as, an angle is made by the divergence of straight lines.
divergent adj. (dis-, apart + -verg-, turn, incline + -ent, TW) Receding farther and farther from each other, as lines radiating from one point; deviating gradually from a given direction. Figuratively; disagreeing from something given; differing. Opposite of convergent.
diverse adj. (dis-, apart + -vers-, turn) Different; unlike; dissimilar; distinct; separate.
diversion n. (dis-, apart +-vers-, turn + -ion, S, P, R, A) The act of turning aside from any course, occupation, or object; as, the diversion of a stream from its channel; diversion of the mind from business; pastime; amusement; entertainment; recreation.
diversity n. (diverse- + -ity, Ch, C, S) A state of difference; dissimilitude; unlikeness.
divert v. (dis-, apart + -vert-, turn) To turn aside; to turn off from any course or intended application. To turn the mind from any occupation, business or study; to cause to have lively and agreeable sensations; to amuse; to entertain.
divertible adj. (divert- + -ible, capable of) Capable of being diverted; capable of being turned aside or from any course or application.
evert v. (L. evertere, to overthrow. e-, out, from + -vert-, turn) To turn outwards; to turn inside out.
extrovert (GRE) n. (extra-, outside + -vert-, turn) A person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings; extravert. Opposite of introvert.
inadvertent adj. (in-, not + ad-, toward + -vert-, turn + -ent, OW, TW) Not turning the mind to a matter; heedless; careless; negligent; inattentive; accidental.
incontrovertible adj. (in-, not + -contra-, against + -vert-, turn +-ible, capable of) Indisputable; too clear or certain to admit of dispute.
indivertible adj. (in-, not + -divert- +-ible, capable of) Not to be diverted or turned aside.
introversion n. (intro-, inside + -vers-, turn + -ion, S, P, R, A) The act of turning the mind inward.
introvert v. (intro-, inside + -vert-, turn) To look within; to introspect.
inverse adj. (in-, in + -vers-, turn) Opposite in order, relation, or effect; reversed; inverted; reciprocal.
inversion n. (inverse- + -ion, S, P, R, A) Change of order so that the first shall become last and the last first.
invert v. (in-, in + -vert-, turn) To turn inside out, upside down, or in opposite direction; transposition.
irreversible adj. (ir-, not + re-, back + -vers-, turn + -ible, capable of) Irrevocable; incapable of being reversed, recalled, repealed, or annulled.
obvert v. (ob-, toward + -vert-, turn) To turn toward.
perverse adj. (L. perversus, pp of pervertere, to turn about. per-, thoroughly, wrong + -vers-, turn) Literally turned aside; hence turned away from the right; willfully erring; wicked; perverted.
perversion n. (perverse- + -ion, S, P, R, A) The act of perverting, or the state of being perverted; a turning from truth or right; a diverting from the true intent or object; a change to something worse; a turning or applied to a wrong end or use.
pervert n. (per-, thoroughly, wrong + -vert-, turn) One who has been perverted; one who has turned to error, especially in religion; opposed to convert. [v. To turn from truth, rectitude, or propriety; to divert from a right use, end or way; to lead astry; to corrupt; also, to misapply; to misinterpret designedly; as, to pervert one's words.
prosaic adj. (pro-, forward + L. versus, turn + -ic, L, N, Ch, made of) Resembling prose; not poetical; writing or using prose; Figuratively; dull; uninteresting; commonplace; unimaginative; prosy; pedestrian.
prose (not SAT/GRE) n. (pro-, forward + L. versus, turn) The ordinary language of men in speaking or writing; language not cast in poetical measure or rhythm; contradistinguished from verse, or metrical composition.
prosody n. (pro-, forward + L. versus, turn +-ody, song) The science of poetical form. That part of grammar which treats of the quantity of syllables, of accent, and of the laws of versification or metrical composition.
reversion n. (re-, back + -vers-, turn + -ion, S, P, R, A) The act of returning. In Biology, a return towards some ancestral type or character; atavism.
revert v. (re-, back + -vert-, turn) To return; to fall back.
subversion n. (L. subversio (-onis), an overturning, upsetting. sub-, under +-vers-, turn + -ion, S, P, R, A) The act of overturning, or the state of being overturned; entire overthrow; utter ruin; destruction; as, the subversion of a government.
subversive adj. (sub-, under + -vers-, turn + -ive, related to, Qu, T) Tending to subvert; having a tendency to overthrow and ruin.
subvert v. (sub-, under + -vert-, turn) To overturn from the foundation; to overthrow; to ruin utterly; to be subversive.
transverse adj. (trans-, across +-vers-, turn) Lying or being across, or in a crosswise direction; athwart.
traverse adj. (trans-, across + -vers-, turn) Lying across; being in a direction across something else.
versatile adj. (L. versatilis, that turns round, movable, versatile, from versatus, pp of versare, to turn often. -vers-, turn + -atile, Quality of) Capable of being turned around; turning with ease from one thing to another; readily applied to a new task or to various subjects; many-sided.
verse (not SAT/GRE) n. (L. versus, a turning, a line, a row; so named from the turning to begin a new line.) A line of poetry consisting of a certain number of metrical feet disposed to metrical rules.; a stanza.
version n. (-vers-, turn + -ion, S, P, R, A) An account or description from a particular point of view, especially as contrasted with another account.
vertex n. (L. the top, properly the turning point) Literally, a turning point; the principal or highest point; apex; top; crown or summit. Astronomically, zenith.
vertical adj. (-vert-, turn + -ical, L, N, Ch, made of) Perpendicular to the place of the horizon; upright; plumb. Of or pertaining to the vertex; situated at the vertex, or highest point; directly overhead, or in the zenith.
vertigo n. (L. vertigo, from vertere, to turn) Dizziness or swimming of the head; an affection of the head in which objects, though stationary, appear to move in various directions and the person affected finds it difficult to maintain an erect position; giddy; dizzy; turning around; whirling.
Other words I've found that contain the same word parts: (anniversary, anteversion, averruncate, aversant, controversy, conversation, convert, convertend, divers, diverticulum, divertissement, eversion, extroversion, invertebrate, malversation, obversion, quaquaversal, retroversion, renverse, reverse, sovereign, suzerain, tergiversate, universe, university, varsity, versicle, verso, versor, versus, vertebra, Vertebrata, vertebroiliac, verticil, verticilaster, verticilate, vice versa)
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It just means "melody". http://popularmusichistory.com/
Ritardando is a musical term meaning to gradually slow down in tempo.
The musical term for a singing voice that vibrates is vibrato. It is produced by rapidly changing the pitch just slightly.
Andante is a musical term referring to the speed at which a piece of music should be played. It means 'slowly', or at a walking pace.
it means that this website doesnt answer propaly this website sucks later suckers
Quasi is an Italian musical term meaning: As if, resembling
AS fast as possible
Lively, fast.
Pesante is Italian for heavy.
In the Spanish style
It's Italian for quick.
a verse
A cluster of notes with a similar pattern
It means: Play on the fingerboard.
It means right hand