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The O///O or O\\\O is supposed to look like the blushing face that appears in anime. Check out the Related Links to see some examples.

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Q: What does the emoticon o slash slash slash o mean?
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Don't cry (9o9 is an emoticon of a crying face. the nines are the eyes and the o is the mouth)

What does the emoticon O mean?

It's kind of like raising one eyebrow in a look of confusion or surprise.

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How do you make a bunny emoticon?

(\_/) (o.o) (___)o

What does don't 9o9 mean?

Don't cry (9o9 is an emoticon of a crying face. the nines are the eyes and the o is the mouth)

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How do you do a monster truck emoticon on facebook?

Copy the one I made ,======o00o_ //___|__,\____,___ |_---\___|---[ ]|[ ] ( o )_)-o-( o )_)-o-( o )_) You really have to look at it to see it

What does the emoticon mean?

It means a cool picture used in texting or typing made out of symbols and numbers. Happy face :) Heart <3 Bunny (\__/) (='.'=) (")_(") Sword ……………(___) ……………(___) ……………(___) ……………(___) ……………(___) ……....……(___) ……………(___) ……………(___) ……………(___) ./\____/\__/--\__/\_____/\ .\____\_°_¤ -- ¤_°_/____/ ………….\ __°__ / …………..|\_°_/| …………..[|\_/|] …………..[|[¤]|] …………..[|;¤;|] …………..[;;¤;;] ………….;[|;¤]|]\ …………;;[|;¤]|]-\ ………..;;;[|[o]|]-\ ……….;;;;[|[o]|]-\ ………;;;;;[|[o]|]|-| ………;;;;;[|[o]|]|-| ……….;;;;[|[o]|/-/ ………..;;;[|[o]/-/ …………;;[|[]/-/ ………….;[|[/---/ .................[|/---/ ................../---/ ................./---/|] …………./-/]|]; …………/-/#]|];; ………..|-|[#]|];;; ………..|-|[#]|];;; …………\-|[#]|];; ………….\-|[#]|]; …………..\|[#]|] ……………\\#// …………….\\//

An o with a slash above it pronounced long or short?

The "o" with a slash above it is typically pronounced as a long vowel sound, similar to the "oe" sound in "bird" or the "o" in "nor."

How do you do angel in Facebook?

if ur looking on how to do an emoticon on facebook chat then this is it: O:) capital "O" then the usual smiley ur used to :) O:)