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it symbolizes leadership

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Q: What does the counch shell symbolise in lord of the flies?
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What happends to the counch shell lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," the conch shell symbolizes order and civilization. As the boys descend into savagery, the conch slowly loses its power and authority. Eventually, it is destroyed, signifying the complete breakdown of civilization among the boys.

In Lord of the Flies what do the conch and knife symbolise?

The Conch Represents Democracy, order and civility

Who does Simon protect in Lord of the Flies?

The conch (Shell)

In lord of the flies who blows the conch shell?


What is the title of chapter three in lord of the flies?

The title of chapter three in Lord of the Flies is "Huts on the Beach."

In Lord of the Flies - what was used to call everyone to the meeting?

The Conch shell.

In Lord of the Flies what is darkness a metaphor for?

It seems to symbolise the unknown and the endless possibilities that lay beyond the narrow scope of the boys' knowledge.

Who were the group of boys that looked at it with affectionate respect in lord of the flies?

The conch shell.

What is a subplot of Lord of the Flies?

There are a few: -The Beast -The Conch Shell -Jack's Hunter's -Roger's sadism -The fire

Who said i thought they wanted the conch in lord of the flies?


What is the significance of the conch shell symbolism in "Lord of the Flies"?

The conch shell in "Lord of the Flies" symbolizes order, authority, and civilization. It represents the boys' ability to govern themselves and maintain a sense of democracy. As the conch's power diminishes, so does the boys' adherence to rules and societal norms, leading to chaos and savagery.

What do the boys have that is a symbol of authority in lord of the flies?

The conch shell serves as a symbol of authority in "Lord of the Flies." The person holding the conch has the right to speak during meetings, signifying order and democracy among the boys on the island.