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Twilght: The apple= the fruit of forbidden love

New Moon: The flower with the falling petal= the flower is Bella and the petal is the part of her that she lost when edward left her.

Eclispe: The broken ribbon= the ribbon stands for thhe love she has for edward and Jacob; the longer ribbon, of course, stands for edward.

Breaking Dawn: The white & red Chess peices= Red pawn stands for when she was mortal and the white queen stands for when she becomes immortal.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

onlne Stephenie Meyer said that it symbolises forbidden fruit or choice. She also thought that it meant that Bella had to disover what good and evil really meant. I also read in a book that apples symbolise love and fertility, the roundness of them also means eternity (as in vampires live for ever) and the earth. I don't think the hand means much, but in the movie Bella drops an apple at lunch and edward catches it just like on the cover.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

I think.. Not sure


No, Bella is holding the apple, as the cover is based on genesis. Edward is the forbidden fruit, the apple, and Bella is Eve who takes the forbidden fruit.

Actually it is Edward on the cover of Twilight holding the apple, not Bella.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Edward If you see carefully, in film and book, Bella drops apple, and Edward catches it! Twilight Maniac - Its Bella, as the cover is based on gensis, and Edward is the forbidden fruit and Bella is Eve who take's the forbidden fruit. Actully on the front cover.....edward AND Bella and holding the apple. look carefully, do they look look like the hands of one person....look hard.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

when she drops her apple in the canteen and edward catches it before it falls

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βˆ™ 15y ago

An apple. But they can sometimes look like a nectarine, Which is a fruit that looks like an apple.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It really could mean anything, but I personally think it symbolizes the Forbidden Fruit.

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On the front cover of the twilight book what does the apple mean?

Yeah you are right it is because Bella drops her apple and Edward catches it. Accually is is something about a forbiden fruit, it will tell you all about it on google

What does the apple in the hand mean in twilight?

When Bella drops her apple at school he catches it and that's what it is of

What do the covers of Twilight mean?

i think they are in the movies like the apple on twilight is in the move when Bella dropped it and edward caught it i guess

Is the picture of the apple on the front of the twilight book the same picture of the apple edward catches for Bella in the movie?

yes that's why he cradles it in his hands the same way.

Who holds the twilight apple on the front of the book?

Pretty sure it's Edward... Notice in the beginning of the movie... He holds it exactly like the front of the book.

What picture is on the front of the book in twilight?

for some, it's a pale hand holding an apple, for others it's a picture of the main characters.

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The twilight book with a jigsaw puzzle on the front is "Breaking Dawn."

What is Kristen Stewart's favorite food?

her favorite food is an apple she said that on an interview for twilight and that when the twilght logo was an apple she was so happy.

What does the apple in the hands on the front of the twilight book mean?

well, the apple is always described as the forbidden fruit. The two hands holding it are pale, like Edward's. Edward is holding the "forbidden fruit" out to Bella. Another "translation" is that Bella is like the apple. Edward is so strong he could easily crush that apple in his hands and he's holding it very carefully so he wont. He doesn't want to kill her.

What does the picture on the twilight book mean?

The Apple is suppose to represent the forbidden fruit like Bella and edward- their love is forbidden