The Latin phrase 'Pont Max' stands for Pontifex Maximus, which means 'high priest' or 'chief priest'. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'pontifex' means 'bridge-builder'. It's formed from the combination of 'pons', as 'bridge'; and 'facio', as 'I make, I build'. The adjective 'maximus' means 'greatest'.
Note: May I add, just in case the asker wasn't aware, that 'Pont Max', or, as stated before, 'Pontifex Maximus', is generally used in reference to Popes of the Catholic Church. Monuments will often carry inscriptions such as "Gregorivs XVI Pont Max Anno XIV", in reference to a specific Pope (in this example, Gregory XVI). The term used to be used in reference to bishops in general, but became a common title for the office of the Pope.
Pont Viau was created in 1962.
Charles E. Pont was born on January 6, 1898 and died on July 28, 1971. Charles E. Pont would have been 73 years old at the time of death or 117 years old today.
The Grinch's dog is named Max
Max is the name of the dog in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".
The prefix "pont" means bridge. It is derived from the Latin word "pons, pontis".
Stat means stand in latin.
Max stands for maximum in most cases.
I stand together; stand firm.
Sto = I stand
I stand.
Graph is to write in Latin
Min's and max's stand for minimums and maximum in U-Haul. These are terms that are used for inventory stocking purposes.
sto, stare, steti, statum (to stand, stand firm, stand up.)
Max Exchanger
Glycine max is the scientific name.
le pont is 'the bridge' in French.