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Q: What does the BF stand for in BF skinner's name?
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What is The Skinners' School's motto?

The motto of The Skinners' School is 'and'.

When was The Skinners' School created?

The Skinners' School was created in 1887.

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Skinners' Hall was created in 1770.

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What saying does Ss and bf stand for?

"SS" stands for "Social Security" and "BF" stands for "Boyfriend."

When was The Buffalo Skinners created?

The Buffalo Skinners was created on 1993-09-14.

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Principal Seymore Skinner

Does BF stand for boy-friend or best-friend?

if it is like bff then its best freinds forever but if its like wanna be my bf then its boyfriendbf can stand for best friends

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The Skinners' Company's School for Girls was created in 1890.