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what is the meaning of tbc when a game release

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What does tbc stand for?

In most uses TBC stands for "to be confirmed" or "to be continued".TBC = Tauranga boys college, To Be ConfirmedTBC= The Burning Crusade!TBC = That book cooksIn cinemas TBC stands for.. To Be Continued

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tbc means - to be confirmed

What does tbc means as in ipl cricket?

I think you must have seen TBC in the tournament schedule. It means - To Be Confirmed. 1st semifinal - TBC v TBC That's because they don't know which teams will qualify for semis.

What does TBC on sporting fixtures mean?

TBC = To Be Confirmed. This is usually placed against a fixture that is planned but may have to be cancelled for other reasons i.e. A more important game may occur if a team wins a qualifier for instance

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The TBC fuse is for Truck Body Control. It is for the interior lighting and door locks.

What does TBC mean on games?

to be confirmed

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How your WOW account can upgrade for TBC?

You would have to buy the Burning Crusade download or box set, and install it on your PC (which already has classic WoW installed). It will then prompt you to go to your account page, and add a game. Here you then fill out the activation key that came with TBC, and your account will be upgraded as well.

What tbc means?

what TBC means is to be coming ...................................................................................................................... That's not it you said it wrong. It stands for 'To be confirmed' (The age rating on Games/DVD etc.) by kutha

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TBC Corporation

What does TBC mean on a mobile phone?

To Be Continued.