I think it's supposed to be sugoi (すごい) , which means
1. terrible
2. dreadful
3. terrific
4. amazing
5. great
6. wonderful
7. to a great extent
cho means 町 in japanese... or for definition it means butteryfly.
H-manga means hentai-manga. Hentai means perverted in Japanese, so... H-manga is a Japanese comic that contains pornographical stuff.
Shika means deer and maru means big. Basically, his name means big deer.
It's Japanese, and it means heart
No, no no! Naruto Shippuden is only on Japanese, and Naruto can be subed or dubed, and that means that you can watch Naruto episodes on English and on Japanese.
Oh, dude, "sugoi desu ne" in Japanese is like saying "That's amazing, isn't it?" or "Wow, that's cool, right?" It's a phrase you use when you're impressed or surprised by something. So, like, next time you see something awesome, just drop a casual "sugoi desu ne" and impress your friends!
Closest translation would be "Sugoi" which means amazing.
sugoi tabemono for food sugoi oishii for taste
Suge . Or it can be Sugoi .
Anata WA sugoi.
'Sugoi' is a word you may use.
anata WA sugoi desu
I believe it's "Sugoi"
there is no translation of "it rocks" sugoi is used in a similar way
Mamotte ne (守ってね) Means "Protect me"
素晴らしい (subarashii) and 凄い (sugoi) are both ways of saying "great".