It means full bodied. For example a stout is a full bodied beer. It can also describe a person's body type.
The word stout has two completely different meanings. It can mean overweight or fat and it can also mean physically strong and healthy. Stout is also a type of beer.
Mafatu's name means Stout Heart.
Yes, it is an adjective. It may mean stout, or strong.
Mafatu's name means Stout Heart.
In Old English, "stout" meant proud, resolute, or bold, reflecting a strong and determined character. Over time, the meaning of stout has evolved to also describe something that is strong, resilient, or robust.
Archie Stout's birth name is Stout, Archibald.
Jimmie Stout's birth name is James Stout.
no extra stout is stronger at 7% where as double stout is about 4.5% they also taste different
Rex Stout's birth name is Stout, Rex Todhunter.
Bill Stout was born in 1927.
I assume you mean "What animal is a stoat"....a stoat is a member of the weasel family.