A signature role is a role that an actor is best known for. For instance, Humphrey Bogart's Signature role is Rick in Casablanca.
That is the number that represents, is the signature of, and nickame of an awesome female superhero and guitar player.
Umm don't you mean what is the role of Ganza in bateria?
The time signature is the time and beat of the song, and the key signature is what major or minor it is in
role play means like the role they play like example john cena's role play is to be one of the good guys
His signature is the peace sign.
N.K.A before a signature means "now known as."
It means the actual date that the signature was signed on the document.
An advisor signature means that the person who is in charge or has knowledge of the activity needs to write his/her signature on a form.
"ITS", or "Its" is part of a document's signature block and follows the company name and person's signature. Eg: ABC Company, By: [signature], Its: [Title of person].
N.K.A before a signature means "now known as."
By Signature you mean what? Do you mean this? http://online.winxclub.com/centro-web/winxImages/TopPanel_Image.png If so,i hope i helped! ^^ 21.01.2011
It generally means that you have not set the default signature in the "options" or "preferences" tab of your email client.
manufacturers signature
It stands for its a possessive pronoun, not to be confused with it's a contraction for it is. The term is usually put below a signature line. Typical the role / title of the person signing it is used.
What it means if it is a signature is that a person should have read and then agreed to the conditions on the paper. A signature usually indicates that a person understands and agrees with a document.
Ko'oilina can be translated to mean "signature" or "autograph" in English. It refers to a person's unique mark or signature that they use to identify themselves.