Generally, if an art teacher tells you to "refine your ideas", they are asking you to narrow down what you are trying to say in your art. Clearly define what your topic is. If, for example, you are making a piece about your struggle with a breakup, rather than saying "I'm upset", try to better define exactly what you're feeling--such as "I'm confused why I was dumped when I thought we had a good relationship" or "I wish we could have reconciled our differences". With a refined idea such as this, you will be able to better illustrate the exact emotion you want to convey.
framing and reframing,formulating the design, refine the design
Costuming is an art because you put the costume together, with your own ideas, like when you paint, you put in your ideas into the painting and make it your own. I think it is the same way with costuming.
Art is a means to express the ideas, thoughts and feelings of a person. AN example would be someone who paints.
Modify or improve
framing and reframing,formulating the design, refine the design
framing and reframing,formulating the design, refine the design
because the have to make new ideas about art....
because the have to make new ideas about art....
Can you refine your question please
Contrasting in visual arts means the difference between light and dark, and all of the grey areas in between. It could also mean contrasting ideas in a single piece of art.
Contrasting in visual arts means the difference between light and dark, and all of the grey areas in between. It could also mean contrasting ideas in a single piece of art.
There are many possible ways in which to obtain inspiring art ideas. Most people get art ideas after viewing great art. Google Images and Deviant Art are great places to view art.
Your art style is the unique way you create and express yourself through your artwork. To further develop and refine your art style, you can experiment with different techniques, mediums, and subjects. Study the work of other artists for inspiration, practice regularly, and seek feedback from peers and mentors to help you grow as an artist.
Do you mean: Where was it painted? There were expressionist painters in France, Germany, Norway. Their ideas then spread to painters in other countries.
he got it from his local art school by:asmaa