It means they pre- (before) died. So they died before you. Or the persn to whom you are referring.
No they are not. they call each other brothers as if they are play brothers. they do not have the same parents, nor were they born in the same state or things like that....
he has seven brothers and three sisters. His parents also adopted eight children.
No, they were taught by their parents to keep a clean image.
no, she was a only child
If YOU have two brothers and one is older than YOU and one is younger than YOU then YOU are the middle of three brothers.
Shakespeare's son Hamnet died in 1596 when he was only eleven. Shakespeare was also predeceased by his parents and all of his brothers. He was survived by his wife, his two daughters, and his sister Joan.
Every state has laws that determine the distribution of a decedent's property when there is no will so you have to check that state's laws. But generally, spouses and descendants will take first. If there are no spouse and no children and no children of predeceased children, then the estate goes up the line to the parents. If there are no parents the estate goes to the decedent's siblings in equal shares. If there are some living children and some predeceased children, then the children of that predeceased child takes the share that the predeceased child would have taken.
Yes. At his death he was surrounded by them: his wife, his two daughters, and his sister Joan. His son and all of his brothers had predeceased.
If you mean the individuals, their parents. If you mean the band name, it was Kevin's idea.
what do you mean "who" , she has 2 brothers, parents, and a whole family, if that's what you mean
You mostly likely will not be tall if your parents are short. You half brothers probably get their height from the parent you don't have in common.
The children share equally in the estate. If there are any children who predeceased the last parent to die and if those children left children of their own, then those grandchildren would inherit the share that their parent would have inherited and he/she not predeceased.
If the exact wording is "to my surving children", then all other children who predeceased the testator or out.
The Curtis Brothers parents had died in a car crash
"Siblings" are brothers and sisters who share the same parents or one of the same parents. It is a term used to refer to one's brothers and sisters collectively.
Yes, siblings are indeed children of the same parents. The term includes brothers and sisters.
parents of anpu and bata in the story of two brothers