pov most often means point of view. In the sense of a pov movie it would be a movie narrated by one specific person and told in the way they see it. You get a feel for their opinions and bias.
The duration of Police POV is 1800.0 seconds.
pbs kids (pbs).
PBS is better for younger kids and Nick is good for bigger kids. PBS has no commercials, that's good... nickelodeon
PBS kids is channel 27 on shaw
Dragon Tales is no longer in PBS Kids. So, I think you should get the Dragon Tales DVD.
POV stands for Personally Owned Vehicle
Point of View
Public Broadcating System
POV stands for "point of view." It refers to the perspective from which a story is told or an argument is presented.
PBS: Planed Both Sides PAR: Planed All Round Both these terms are used to describe Ready-machined wood.
A Government Owned Vehicle (GOV), in contrast to a Personal Owned Vehicle (POV).
Heng Pov was born in 1957-12.
The duration of Police POV is 1800.0 seconds.
Martha on PBS Kids is Martha on PBS Kids.
Pov Chouk Sar was created in 1967.
Pov Malis Lea was created in 1993.