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It means to have sexual intercourse or oral sex.

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Playing hide and seek under the covers means the same thing when a child plays hide and seek.

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What is playing hide and seek under the covers mean?

"Hide and seek" is a childrens' game where everyone hides and one person tries to find the others. If you do this under the covers, you're doing it in a bed, so it would be a sexual game.

What does playing hide the biscuit mean?

B hole peek-a-boo...

What does intrathecal mean?

Introduced into or occurring in the space under the arachnoid membrane which covers the brain and spinal cord.

Do you sleep 'on' your bed or 'in' your bed?

In English, the idiom is "in bed". There's a subtle distinction in that people tend to use "in bed" to mean "lying down, under the covers" (and thus technically "in" the bedding), but will say "on [someone's] bed" when they mean sitting on top of the covers.

Where would a little brother hide a remote control?

Depends on his height. If you mean basically a kid then expect to find it in his room. Particularly look under the bed, under his pillow, under his blankets and check the drawers.

What does it mean when a girl who is your friend holds your hand as you were playing hide and go seek with the rest of your friends?

it probably means she wants to be more than just your friend.

What does hide mean on your phone?


Where do stink bugs hide in the home?

Usually in corners or in atticks. If you mean where are they outside usually out in the open on plants, their food source.

What does little hide mean?

the little hide means to hide your little butt,or to hide something like a bat,glove,chicken,ball,balls or even pants!

What does easy open covers mean in welsh?

'Easy open covers' doesn't mean anything in Welsh; it's in English.

What does the saying to learn how to find one must first learn how to hide mean?

You have to hide from enemies.

How do hide your feelings for a boy?

well why would you want to hide your feelings for a boy? i mean if you like him you shouldn't hide it. don't ya think??