Persuade : Do tell some one something that is not true and try to make them believe it. Try to get someone to do something , and make someone believe you too.
Inform : Do give information about a story that an author wrote about. Or to explain something the right way about a peom , story , and a biography too.
Entertain : When someone enjoys something . Like someone goes to a party and they enjoy it which means to entertain It.
to entertain
to entertain
just to entertain you
To inform students about how to prepare a road trip
Read, hike, watch t.v.
it stands for the different reasons for writing. Pursuade, inform and express or entertain
Persuade Inform Entertain
The purposes storytellers serve are to inform,entertain,explain,and persuade
No remorsfull means to be sad about something
To entertain or to describe or to persuade or to inform
Persuade Inform Entertain Educate
To inform, to entertain, and to persuade
The five purposes are as follows: to inform, to entertain, to persuade, to describe and to rock and roll!!
The purposes storytellers serve are to inform,entertain,explain,and persuade
To inform, to instruct, to persuade, and to entertain.