Well, when I think of when I see molto. in my music, it's normally like molto rit. or molto dec. It means a big decrescendo, or a big ritard.I'd say the opposite of this could be poco a poco which means little by little. Ex: rit. poco a poco or dec. poco a poco.
In music, it means to accelerate the tempo much. Opposite of molto ritard.
it means that the director/drum major will tell you when to play the next note in that measure(s) and watch carefully because the director/drum major will tell you when to go back to regular time and rit is short for something i just forgot so instead of rit i say ritard
slow down very suddenly until the end, then repeat
rit. or ritard.
Well, when I think of when I see molto. in my music, it's normally like molto rit. or molto dec. It means a big decrescendo, or a big ritard.I'd say the opposite of this could be poco a poco which means little by little. Ex: rit. poco a poco or dec. poco a poco.
Molto espressivo is Italian for very expressive.
Molto Gentile is Italian for very kind.
In music, it means to accelerate the tempo much. Opposite of molto ritard.
Very fast.
with lots of expression
(il / elle) rit means (he / she) laughs in English. The infinitive is "rire", to laugh.
It mean very fast getting louder.
it means very calm
In English, "si sono molto dolce" translates to "they are very sweet."
Mercedes Molto's birth name is Mercedes Molto Contreras.
It means "a very beautiful girl".