Michelle Rodriguez was born in Texas. so the last name is Rodriguez so Michelle Rodriguez can be Mexican like her little sis Kelly Lynn Rodriguez
Exact clone
Michelle Borth is a famous actress. She is most known for her role as Jamie in the HBO TV series, Tell Me You Love Me. She is from New York, and was born in 1978.
Michelle Bayle's birth name is Michelle Louise Q. Bayle.
it means you look like god
she had one brother named Craig Robinson. Michelle and her brother look like twins.
she had one brother named Craig Robinson. Michelle and her brother look like twins.
An Intimate Look with Michelle Tomlinson - 2014 was released on: USA: 2014
It has a girl with blue hair named Michelle. The card says FANTAGE
her parents.
People like Michelle Obama because she is a role model and she is a kind lady!
Michelle Calkins means: SLOW. bug eyes. points a lot. "look at it, look at it" -(whiney voice) HUGE staring problem.
Michelle, like Mitchell, is derived from the name Michael which means "who is like God?"
It is Michelle Bridges from the Biggest Loser Australia. It may look like Ricky-Lee Salter but it isn't.