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it usually is the scientific term for a buried body after a few years the corpse ultimately rots that's the nature of things but I wont be worm food Im going to have a funeral pyre just like the viking kings of old!!!

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Q: What does mean body decomposition?
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What are the body decomposition reaction?

The most important body decomposition reaction is the digestion of foods.

In the body decomposition reactions are usually?

These reactions are called catabolic.

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What happens if an aye aye dies?

Basically, it's body will undergo decomposition.

Is decompose the same as decomposition?

In general, they mean the same thing. However, "decompose" is a verb, whereas "decomposition" is a noun. Example: 1. It will take years for all of this trash to decompose. 2. He was concerned about the rate of decomposition.

Would rain cause erosion or deposition?

if you mean decomposition, it can do both

What is the physical process when you die?

If you are referring to the general term for the chemical and physical processes that take place on the cells and tissues of the human body immediately after death, then you are referring to decomposition. In the initial stages of decomposition the individual cells of the body undergo changes that lead to autolysis, necrosis and putrefaction. In humans, there are several stages that sequentially occur in the process of decomposition.

How do you fingerprint a decoposed body from water?

With difficulty, depending upon the state of decomposition and decay of the fingers and thumbs.

What is the meaning of de-composition in science?

Decomposition usually refers to the breakdown of cells and tissues after death. Decomposition is facilitated by microorganisms and other things (insects) feeding on the dead tissues (same goes for both plant and animals). This site has some more info:

Does enbalming eliminate dead body odor?

This depends on how advanced of the decomposition the remains were in when they were received by the funeral. The longer it took for the body to reach there, the more difficult it will be to disinfect the body. Embalming, by itself, doesn't negate the body odor. But the process of embalming, which includes washing the body and disinfecting it as best as possible, reduces the body odor significantly. It should be noted that embalming is not designed to preserve the body - it simply delays its decomposition process. After embalming, the body may take more time to decompose, especially if the casket and the grave vault are sealed.

Where is decomposition in the forest?

rotting Or decomposition

Does a bullet ridden corpse float will a body float if there are holes for the gases of decomposition to escape?

im a gorilla! meow chacha!