A Ping is a command which can be executed form a command prompt on a windows linux or unix machine which tests network connectivity.
It uses the format: PING (IP address)
On a windows machine three attempts are sent to the target IP address and each attempt is timed and displayed in milliseconds. A low ping is a subjective estimate of this "round trip time" (RTT) time. The smaller the number the faster the computer being "pinged" is responding.
A very small ping time is described as a low ping, a longer delay would be a high ping time.
All of the times described by the term "Low ping" is subjective and defined by experience, but as a guide a ping time of less than 100 mS would be considered a low ping time and one of 250 mS or more would be considered high.
Ping Ching Lo was born in 1955, in Taiwan.
If you have a pool or ping pong table you can do Random Ping pong or Random Pool!
Tao Ping-Siang died in 2006.
The meaning can vary depending on the context. It can mean having a kind of low volume, or sometimes it can mean to play "with feeling".
LOW ping. The lower the better Ping is the delay between your commands and your players actions. So if you have low ping there will be a very short dalay but if you have high ping there will be a delay.
Your ping is the time it takes to receive an "answer" to a packet of data that your internet connection sends. 100ms would mean it takes 0.1s to send and receive a packet of data. 10000ms would mean it takes 10 seconds. Therefore, low ping is better
when you bbming someone and you ping theit doesnt mean anything. Idt just means that the get this big loud ping and when the read it it says ping.
Stupidface - 2007 Low Tide Ping Pong was released on: USA: 14 September 2007
As a metric of network performance, Ping, also known as Network Latency, is a measurement of the time that it take for a small message (or a "Ping") to be sent from your computer to another computer on the internet, then returned back to you. Ping is typically measured in milliseconds. Low numeric results or a "Low Ping" is desirable for good network performance over a "High Ping". Ping is also the name of of command-line command that can be typed to initiate a "ping" and measure the time that it takes for the message be returned to your computer.
Read the importance of ping and meaning of pinging the link below
1. Ping is a location of a marked area that has a "ping" sound on the map. 2. Ping is a common term online for latency (or how good your connection is).
I believe the word ping is something like lag on games. The more ping you have, the worse the lag gets.
Yes it does. It how fast your connection to the internet server
If you have ping to the gateway in doesn't mean that a remote host has connection.
ping is the connection to the server. If the number is low you have a good connection. If th number is high you have a bad connection and lag may occure.