boba fett is jengo's son therefore looking like his father with baby fat on the front of his face. so he must look like his mother in some way and his head isn't chopped off so he is way better looking.
Boba Fett is a bounty hunter in the Star Wars series. His father, Jango Fett, died in episode 2. Boba then carried out his father's tradition and works for the Empire in the trilogy (episodes 4,5,and 6).
On episode 6, he got swallowed up by the Sarlacc in Tatooine. I heard that he didn't die there.
Boba Fett has not yet been killed in official Star Wars cannon.Yes, he did die by Han Solo accidently setting off his jetpack, making Boba flying away into the Great Pit of Carkoon, and being eaten by the monster in Return of The Jedi.No, Boba Fett did escape the sarlaac due to him firing off his blaster. Don't believe me? Look him up on the Wookieepedia website. But as for his real death, I don't think that has been confirmed yet.
Yes she does but when she was little.
They look like Barbies
A little bit
Watch Episode 2. Boba is the little boy. I'm guessing he would look very similar to his dad.
Boba Fett has not yet been killed in official Star Wars cannon.Yes, he did die by Han Solo accidently setting off his jetpack, making Boba flying away into the Great Pit of Carkoon, and being eaten by the monster in Return of The Jedi.No, Boba Fett did escape the sarlaac due to him firing off his blaster. Don't believe me? Look him up on the Wookieepedia website. But as for his real death, I don't think that has been confirmed yet.
Fett died at Skirmish in Carkoon. He got knocked by Han Solo into the mouth of the sarlacc. Fett didnt die when he fell into the sarlacc. After days of being in the sarlacc, his armor protected him from the dangers of the sarlacc. He blasted his way out of the sarlacc's belly and then another bounty hunter named Dengar found him. But if you dont believe me, then look up on your research.
If you look at the eBay seller "coolthingstomake", he tends to put up Boba Fett, Clone phase 1 and 2. He makes the kits himself, but doesn't include the visors, so you would have to find them elsewhere, or import them in from places like America or Argentina. Hope this helps.
they look like little bananas ;)
The red brick in the level "Cloud City Trap" in Lego Star Wars II is located in the area where you fight Boba Fett. After defeating him, look for a platform that you can reach by jumping on some boxes. The red brick will be on this platform.
What did mickey gubitosi look like on the little rascals
go look here they got everything
Well, I think you could find out in a comic book about him getting out. But I don't know if there really is one. Sorry I'm not much help on this question
she looked like a little hor
They look like little fleas
They look like little kids.