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Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight!

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Q: What does lion o say to his sword in thundercats?
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What was lion o sword name on the thundercats?

The Sword of Omens, with the Eye of Thundera as its soul.

Why is Lion-o the king of the thundercats and not Tygra?

Lion-O is the leader of the Thundercats because of his heritage ; The title "Lord of the ThunderCats" is hereditary .

Why does liono yell Thundercats Thundercats?

Lion - O uses the " ThunderCats - Ho! " as a way to rally the Thundercats together .

Who does cheetara end up with in thundercats?

she end it with tyara or lion o

What are the release dates for Thundercats - 2011 The Sword of Omens 1-1?

Thundercats - 1985 The Wolfrat - 1.28 was released on: USA: 30 October 1985

What are the release dates for Thundercats - 2011 Trials of Lion-O Part-1 1-15?

Thundercats - 2011 Trials of Lion-O Part-1 1-15 was released on: USA: 31 March 2012

What are the release dates for Thundercats - 2011 Trials of Lion-O Part-2 1-16?

Thundercats - 2011 Trials of Lion-O Part-2 1-16 was released on: USA: 7 April 2012

When lion o raises the sword of omens and shouts thunder thunder thunder thundercats ho summoning them in that instant when their eyes glow how do they feel?

They feel a surge of power as well as feeling courageous and indomitable .

What are the release dates for Thundercats - 1985 Lion-O's Anointment Third Day The Trial of Cunning 1-46?

Thundercats - 1985 Lion-O's Anointment Third Day The Trial of Cunning 1-46 was released on: USA: 25 November 1985

Who is stronger hulk or lion-O?

Hulk is stronger because he could take Lion-O's sword right out of his hands and kill him

What are the names of all the tunder cats?

Some of the names of the ThunderCats characters are Lion-O, Cheetara, Panthro, Tygra, WilyKit, WilyKat, and Snarf. These characters were part of the original ThunderCats animated series that aired in the 1980s.

Does the word lion have a short o sound?

That depends on where you're from. Here in Colorado, I say lion (Lie-in), though I know others who say lion (Lie-on)