hot sexy with a nice pussy and nice boobs that you can suck to drink milk.
Madonna wears crazy clothes. [Like Lady GaGa]
I'd say Lady Gaga because she is known worldwide whereas I had to look up Michael Jordan because I had never heard of him so he must only be known in he US (I am English)Lady GagaLady Gaga.
obviously it looks like anyone els that is naked
if you look it up, There would be lots of answers. So id wouldn't ask that lol
A woman
Lady Gaga looks like a girl because......she is a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think she did because before lady gaga had a hit Cristina didn't have that look until lady gaga have a look and even if artists change their look from time to time why does she look exactly like lady gaga
a lady
I am not sure but have a look at the 'silly boy' vidio as i think she does like lady gaga looks
Lady Gaga's bolt is golden. Please see Related Link to see exactly what it looks like.
very strange
she a is girl and was born a girl
She looked like an Angel. ;D
beautiful. go look on google.
be normal ;-)
lady gaga's hair is an auburn colour