He loves Sasuke that's for sure and may be loved Sakura too
i.e. less than Sasuke off course
How do we know that Sasuke doesn't? Maybe once as a good friend, although he wouldn't admit this (Until Kishimoto brought out the first data books) A fan asked Kishimoto a question once. I think it was what he preferred better 'SasuSaku' or 'NaruHina' and he chose SasuSaku because he wanted them to be together. If Kishi fails to fill our dreams then many will be crushed :P I advise to keep reading Naruto, like I will.
One sided SasuSaku is canon, as Sakura does quite a few times say she loves Sasuke. But Sasuke never did admit to loving ANYONE- let alone Sakura.
Shueisha publishes Naruto in Japan, Viz Media publishes it in America/English countries. It is part of a Japanese magazine called Akamaru Jump, and Shoen Jump is the English version which is published in America, the author of Naruto is Mashashi Kishumoto. The TV anime is directed by Hayato Date, in Studio Pierott.
I think he already loves Naruto..Masashi Kishimoto who is the creator of the series, said in an interview he will probably make a sasunaru ending or an ending implying it.
no, i think it is shikamaru or tsunade but i am pretty sure it is anko if not those two. im pretty sure it is anko i don't know, all i know is I've heard people say kishimoto said once he liked drawing sasuke, he did not say sasuke was his favorite character, and someone asked him if he was a girl who would he date in naruto, he said shikamaru, its really hard to say but in narutopidia it say's anko is kishimoto's favorite girl character that's all i know. hope i helped ~lolzyukari
well this question is hard for alot of people, i don't think sasusaku will happen but the only person who can actually tell you the answer is masashi kishimoto hmm.... Maybe someone should try to somehow contact masashi kishimoto and ask him...
He hasn't commented on any couples in Naruto.
How do we know that Sasuke doesn't? Maybe once as a good friend, although he wouldn't admit this (Until Kishimoto brought out the first data books) A fan asked Kishimoto a question once. I think it was what he preferred better 'SasuSaku' or 'NaruHina' and he chose SasuSaku because he wanted them to be together. If Kishi fails to fill our dreams then many will be crushed :P I advise to keep reading Naruto, like I will.
No . But he said that Narusaku are more close and Naruhina are like more epic love life. Narusaku will happend. Sasusaku will never happend that's for sure
The most likely answer is no. The anime and manga have yet to show Sasuke's feelings for Sakura, if he even has any. He regards her as, 'annoying,' and so there's probably no chance there.Answer #2:Yes, he does say she is annoying, but we can't even say that "no" is a most likely answer. Especially with all the Naruhina development in the manga recently, I think Sasusaku still has a chance. Also, Kishimoto is still going strong with the fact that Sakura still has feelings for Sasuke, as shown in that chapter where she refuses a love letter from an Iwa shinobi because she "loves another man". She immediately thinks of Sasuke after that. Anyways, a thing to think about is, why would Kishimoto still write about Sakura loving Sasuke? He had many chances in the manga to end their relationship and end Sakura's love for him. This is all coming from a hardcore Sasusaku fan, so I can't say my opinions were not put into this answer, but this is the most reasonable way I think of the likelihood of this pairing.
Naruino is pretty popular and I think their almost the same attitude and plus naruto and sasuke enemies and sakura and ino enemies so sasusaku and naruino! Except SasuSaku is a dead pair.
i think it was naruto
Mashashi Kishimoto Its Masashi Kishimoto, not Mashashi.
sakura + sasuke
no cause naruto kills him before anything happens Sorry if I'm being a brag but honestly... Isn't that his goal? To kill Itachi and then Restore his clan? And I honestly don't believe that Naruto can ever kill Sasuke. Possibly hurt but not kill! That would be against all Misashi Kishimoto rules. I think that Sasuke will restore his clan, But with who is still unclear. And only because I'm a Sasusaku fan it doesen't mean that I think that It'll be them...