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To have a favorite color means to see a certain color, and love it so much that it has to be your favorite. My favorite color is blue - the first time I ever saw the color blue i thought it was so pretty and BOOM. It had to be my favorite. Hope I helped =-3

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13y ago
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10y ago

Your favorite color is often believed to mean something. For example, if your favorite color is blue, studies in psychology have shown that you love harmony and peace. If your favorite color is green, you are loyal and loving and often very blunt.

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14y ago

Blue is obviously the color of the ocean which is very calming, so if your favorite color is green it means you are very calm.

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14y ago

means your more likely to get mad easy or take affensive to things that are not being said to affened you

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14y ago

Sad(I think)

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