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it mean that you are seeing ghost

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Q: What does it mean when you see a person that passed away?
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If Someone close to you has passed away and you see a robin?

It has no spiritual significance to see a robin after a person dies.

How do you view a last will and testament?

It depends on if the person is still living or not. If they are living, there is no requirement that you be allowed to see the will. If they have passed away, the will should be filed in the courthouse and you can obtain a copy.

Can a granddaughter request to see the will if the grandfather passed away?

If he is of legal age

How would someone view a copy of a parental will?

If the parent is still alive, you can't. You have no rights to see the will of a living person. If they have passed away, as a child of that person you have the right to see the will and can ask the clerk at the probate court for a copy, which they will normally provide for copying fees.

Is it true that John Cena passed away?

no.just because you cant see him doesnt mean he is dead.he recently won the raw elimination chamber 2011

Why is death funny?

Whether the person is young or old who has passed away family and friends are extremely sad because they know they will never see their loved one again. Some people who are religious believe they will see their loved one once they pass away. A death of anyone close to another person leaves a hole in the heart of that person and family and friends. Grieving is a normal and necessary journey all individuals will have to cope with sooner or later. We should remember the good times and memories of the person who has passed away and also learn from their death. This often leads those that grieve realize that they still carry the torch of life for the memory of the loved one that has passed by talking about that person; laughing at fond memories keeps the person who passed away in the hearts and minds of those that knew the person.

If someone has made a will however passed away who can see the will?

No one can see the will while it is in the possession of the person who has it until it is filed for probate. Once it is filed it becomes a public record and you can request the file at the probate court and read the will.

Who took over Mount Rushmore after the person passed away?

Mt. Rushmore is managed by the national park service. See the whole article provided in the related links box below.

What does it mean when you see butterflies and it reminds you of someone who past away?

Well there is a saying. "Butterflies are Forever." It means you believe in superstition. Why put meaning when there is none? Butterflies are often associated with those who have passed. If you thought of the person when you saw the butterfly they may be sending you a "happy" or "joyful" sign.

What does it mean to dream of you being with your ex boyfriend and your cousin that has passed away is standing over yall smiling?

It means you have deep, inner issues and you should probably see a doctor.

What do the numbers 20 in 20 20 vision mean?

To the general public, 20/20 vision means that you can see at 20 feet what an average person should be able to see at 20 feet. If you had 20/100 vision, it would mean you would have to be 20 feet away from something to see it whereas other people would generally be able to see that same object from 100 feet away. You would have VERY POOR vision. If you had 20/5 vision, it would mean you would see from 20 feet away those objects which people would generally have to be within 5 feet of to see clearly. You would have EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD vision. So the numerator (top number) is how far away YOU are standing to see clearly. The denominator (bottom number) is how far away the AVERAGE PERSON would need to stand to see clearly.

What does far sided mean?

Assuming you mean the astronomy term, that would be the opposite side of the moon - the part we don't see. Or, some may use "far sided" to mean farsighted which means being able to see better in the distance. The person can see objects that are far away but not near.