LOL! Guys are weird and talk their own language, and they expect us to understand! Personally when I hear that... I instantly think of ice cream! But I think its supposed to be a complement... Yah know??? I may be wrong... So if you really want to know... just ask him!
Family Guy :)
The brown guy with the glasses is the suspicious guy that tells you to protect the painting but he is the one who steals it!
Well that depends on weather you mean Edward or Robert Pattinson (which is the guy who plays Edward Cullen in the movie) ,but if your talking about Robert then his favorite movies are a tie between "The Exorcist" and "One who Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". If you are preferring to Edward then i am not sure if they ever state what any of his favorite movies are.
Well, honey, when a guy watches your favorite shows, it could mean he's genuinely interested in what you like or he's just trying to score some brownie points with you. Either way, it's a good sign that he's willing to indulge in your guilty pleasures. Just make sure he's not secretly hoping you'll return the favor by watching his boring documentaries on ancient civilizations.
Harry Styles has said that his favorite TV show is Family Guy.
When a guy tells you he feels a pit in his chest, he means that he has a chest pain.
If a guy tells his friends that his girlfriend is quality, he means that she is a great girlfriend.
She does not like him
When a guy tells you he found the key to your heart it means he wants to be with you forever; he is the one for you
It Means he want to be your boyfriend!
It means he will go out with you.
That he likes you?
It means he tells lies
He inviting you to have sex with him.
you have a sweet voice
that you look good.