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What it means to be a good role model is that you are careful with life the whole way through and you don't mess up in life. For girls, Demi Lavoto is not a good role model because she was in REHAB. Taylor Swift is a good role model. For boys, Lil Wayne is not a good role model. Someone like Nick Jonas or even Justin Bieber are because they have not messed up in life. Hope you follow the right path.

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Margaretta Barrows

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Q: What does it mean to be a role model?
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Who is the Role model of your life and y?

My role model is agbani darego,because she never give up on her dreams and she achieve it.

Is Robin Williams a good role model?

Not really

What are the goals of role models?

We all have role models in our lives. These are people that we look up to and admire for their achievements and qualities. For some, it might be a celebrity or athlete. For others, it might be a family member or friend. No matter who your role model is, they have undoubtedly had an impact on your life. Think about the qualities that your role model possesses and how you can use them to help guide you. Do they have a strong work ethic? Are they kind and generous? Do they always strive for excellence in all areas of their life? Your role model might inspire you to aim higher, manage your time better, or be more compassionate. No matter what their qualities are, use them as motivation to be the best version of yourself. My mom is my role model. She is always positive and encouraging no matter what situation I'm in. She has taught me the value of hard work, kindness, and resilience. Her unwavering faith in me has given me the strength to pursue my goals and dreams. Remember that you shouldn’t try to emulate your role model in every way. You should strive for balance and authenticity by taking inspiration from them but also staying true to who you are. After all, the most important person to live up to is yourself.

Who is Sharelle Mcmahon inspiration?

Sharelle McMahons role model is her mother

What is the role of bateria in ganza?

Umm don't you mean what is the role of Ganza in bateria?

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if you mean role model yes. but if you mean model like fashion sometimes she does.

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It means "you are my role model".

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Well-liked, accepted, admired, role-model. Well-liked, accepted, admired, role-model.

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She probably looks up to her aunt as a role model.

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i think she is. but i mean people have different opinions yes because she cares about gay and lesbian people im not either one but she is a good role model

How do you spell role model?

A role model is a person that you admire and stand up to.

What do you understand by the term role model?

According to my opinion, a role model is the a person you idolize and hope to be like someday. By this i do not mean that you want to be that person itself, but rather imitate their strengths and accomplish as much as they have. Basically, a role model is somebody who you see yourself as in years to come.

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Who was Princess Diana's role model?

Who was Princess Diana's role model?

What do you have for your favorite role model?

You either admire or have and admiration for your role model.