Sign of hemorrhoids or something more serious like internal bleeding, See MD if you don't have hemorrhoids and it occurs again.
It was written by an MLG man.
Dr. Hook's "A Little Bit More" was covered by 911 on the album, "There It Is".
Find a toilet fast if not then you might be a bit embarrased until you can clean up :) or go in a bag :)
Dinkle Berry's are little pieces if poop that hangs of your butt even after you wipe.
a little bit yes.
sure, any little bit helps, but the poop will come out when it wants
Eat gold and wait for a little bit. when it comes out.... wash it.
"Worm poop," or worm castings, look like little pellets of soil, which is basically what they are. If you are talking about dried blood, which is used as a fertilizer, it's a black substance.
a little bit but not a lot
Yes, it is possible for women to defecate while standing up, although it may not be as common or convenient as sitting down. Some women find it easier to squat rather than stand fully upright to poop while standing.
Blood sugar levels are checked with a simple little machine. What it does is prick a persons finger to draw a little bit of blood and the machine reads it.
Yes, if you put it on a grill and keep it on there for 30 if will be rare oh and add salt, pepper, and a little bit of urine.
Kind of, it really depends on what you think of as bloody, do you see the word as just a little bit of blood, or a ton of blood? It is a shooting game so there will be quite a bit of blood
Update: if you write :poop: on facebook there should be a little poop icon
Swallowling a little bit of blood is not bad. It happens naturally. Too much is not good, though.
cause blood
It is not normal. Haemorrhoids can cause this to happen. Or it may be something else. See your doctor or speak to a health professional.