Healing Waters was created in 1987.
You can know if you have healing powers if you're a doctor.
Physical healing would be like putting a bandage on a wound or having a heart transplant. Spiritual healing would be like praying and getting into a form of mind to heal your body and soul, etc, etc. It's not healing an obvious, physical wound, but "Something on the inside"
electrical or ultrasound stimulation
That you don't want to play! What you want and what you need, don't mean a f*** to Maynard!
Spot Healing Brush, read article on related links There are many tools you can use: The Clone Stamp Tool, The Spot Healing Brush (as mentioned, above), The Healing Brush Tool, and the Patch Tool.
It is tool which replaces pixels from sampled area to the area which you are painting with this tool. Along with pixel replacement this tool heals or blends pixels. Blending mode determines how pixels from sampled area blend with underlying pixels in the image (area where you paint with healing tool).
Healing Brush Tool
Its a tool to remove spots and blemishes from a photo, it works automatically when you click on spot taking pixels that surrounds spot and replacing them.
It all depends on the depth of the scratch. Usually clone stamp, patch , healing and spot healing tool would do. But for complex picture quality or background you may have to use the adjustment panel usually levels, curve tool .
Angel of healing
Cloning is replicating pixels from chosen source to area where are you painting with Clone Stamp Tool. There are and other tools to clone pixels from one image area to another: Healing Brush Tool and Patch Tool.
It means Healing Touch Certified Practitioner - the credential offered by Healing Touch Program.
do you mean "guérison" ? -> recovery, healing, regeneration, revival
It's healing