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a specific form of English part song popular between 1650 and 1900 or they just call it the glee club for no apparent reason..?? I don't think that is correct it simply means a singing club for great and busy people.

Glee Does have a meaningful meaning it stands for Gay Lesbain Everything Else

which basically are outsiders in school and they started the club so they can support each other and be them self!

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Joy or merriment.

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Q: What does glee mean?
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What does the word glee mean Ex.I guess you must feel GLEE?

Glee means a great delight or pleasure.

What does glee mean or if you do not no what is wolfie?

in the show they have a "glee club" for the kids tht are theatrical.

What episode of the tv series glee are the glee kids in a reality tv show?

that's not a episode you might mean the glee project

Is tonight's glee a rerun?

I have no idea when you mean by tonight.

Who is candy from glee played by?

U mean sugar

What happens in glee when they all graduate Does that mean there's only 4 possible seasons?

don't know but glee is awesome

What does 'Gleek' mean nowadays?

Gleek is a super fan of the show TV show "Glee". Like a glee geek is called a gleek.

Is Tina coanchang mean in season 4 of glee?

Yes she is.

What is the address for glee?

If you mean the address for the home site of glee here are the steps 1. go to google 2. type in glee-home 3.THERE YOU GO you there. And if your looking for the site that you can watch glee episodes on then got to 1. google 2.type in channel ten 3. when you on the site look up in the serch box- glee 4 then you should be there :) Hope you find it.

What does cries of glee mean?

It means someone is calling out with cries of great delight.

Is there a glee club competition?

It depends on what you mean. If your middle or high school has a Glee Club, yes, you can audition for the club. If you are talking about the television show, Glee, MAYBE. Glee casting directors had open Glee auditions in early 2011. I have no knowledge of when they will hold auditions again or if they ever will hold auditions.

What season does Santana in glee become mean?

She didnt become mean she always was! she improves though later in he series