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The word gee is the command for a right turn.

The word haw is the command for a left turn.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

A sentence with the words gee and haw would often include a reference to driving horses. "The words gee and haw are commands that are taught to horses so that they will know when to turn left or right."

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Q: What does gee and haw mean?
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What does gee and haw mean to a horse?

Gee and haw are commands used to make the animal turn left or right. Gee is the command for right, and haw is the command for left. Hope I helped

Does gee mean left for a sled dog?

Gee means to turn right or an object right, haw means left. Same commands they use to drive oxen, mules. gee can be used as a noun a verb and an interjection.

What are the commands for right and left turn in the Iditarod?

Gee and Haw.

What is gee's opposite?

Haw--a command to horses to turn left.

Three letter word for command to a horse?

gee, haw

Command for turn left to a sled dog?

The word "Haw" is used to turn a team of horses to the left. "Gee" is the word used to turn them to the right.

What is the command for turn left in the Iditarod?

Gee is the left turn command. and right turn is Haw.

The command haw makes a horse turn left what verbal command makes it turn right?


What words do you use to control a dog sled?

Mush, go forward Gee,Turn right Haw,turn left

What does the prefix post mean with a example?

your fat haw haw

What are the mushing terms for sled dogs?

Verbal commands let the handler tell the dogs where to go. Unlike horses who draw vehicles, sled dogs have no reins. Without verbal commands, the dogs wouldn't know where to go and the team would just run around chasing rabbits and pulling the helpless handler with them. "Hike" means go faster. "Gee" means go right. "Gee Gee" means hard right. "Haw" means go left. "Haw Haw" means hard left. "On by" means pass the other team. "Whoa" means slow down.

What does 'Gee' mean?

Gee is a mild exclamation of surprise, sympathy, or enthusiasm.