It means erotic or sexy. Erokawaii is actually a real popular type of style that means sexy, but cute.
I know a lot of yaoi's.. Umm.. I have a lot of hardcore ones too... Your answer would be Yaoi hentai 4 or Ero Ero.. ^_^ -T
Semel in Die (Latin: Once A Day)
It's Latin for 'Merry Christmas.'
that mean esprit saint in french or holy spirit in english. it's Latin words using when you sign yourself
It is a latin last name. It is a latin last name. it is Italian for a large fat man. ha ha! really i looked it up! i put this here for you alexas varela! mmmwwwhahahahahaha!
In the Dholuo language of African origin, "Ero kamano" has the meaning of "Thank you."
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Spanish: Esta noche, seré tu amado latino. Latin: Hac nocte ero amans latinus tuus.
Semper tuo heroi ero (i'm assuming that you, or the hero is singular, if its not then replace 'heroi' with heroibus and 'ero' with erimus)
you need to know the subject you using to use will be I will be - ero you will be (singular) - Eris he/she/it will be - erit we will be - erimus you will be (plural) - eritis they will be - erunt
errare means to make a mistake, to err. The famous quotation: Errare humanus est, dimittere divinus means to err is human, to forgive divine.
Ero e Leandro was created in 1707.
It means you need to see a doctor
The duration of Happy Ero Christmas is 1.83 hours.
Ed Ero Contentissimo was created on 2006-08-25.
Ero s onoga svijeta was created in 1935.