It´s the volume -in sound- difference between the softest and the loudest sound of the opus
It just means "melody".
Ritardando is a musical term meaning to gradually slow down in tempo.
The musical term for a singing voice that vibrates is vibrato. It is produced by rapidly changing the pitch just slightly.
Andante is a musical term referring to the speed at which a piece of music should be played. It means 'slowly', or at a walking pace.
it means that this website doesnt answer propaly this website sucks later suckers
The musical term, "dynamics," refers to the volume at which the performer should play the music. For example, "forte" means loud, while "piano" means soft and "crescendo" means to get gradually louder, while "decrescendo" means to get gradually softer. Dynamic terms mostly originate from the Italian language.
Dynamic address is a term related to computer networking. It is when the IP address of system is not static.
Quasi is an Italian musical term meaning: As if, resembling
A character who experiences change
AS fast as possible
Lively, fast.
A diminuendo is a musical term indicating a decrease in volume or intensity gradually over a period of time. It instructs the musician to gradually play or sing softer until reaching the desired quieter dynamic level.
Pesante is Italian for heavy.
In the Spanish style
It's Italian for quick.