She doesn't say 'bust that stick', she says 'bust that kick'.
size 12
The usual way to take a bust measurement - is across the nipples.
How do you make your wife bust a nut from behind
A gusset in crocheting is the same as in other clothing/soft furnishings ie: a pair of Pantie Hose has a Gusset, it makes an area wider, usually in the same material as the rest of the garment/soft furnishing
A bust in modeling would mean a head and shoulders figure.
Do you mean bust-it baby? I can't find busit baby on a search engine.
bust can either mean a behind of a person or a sculpture of someone's body (shoulders and up)
She doesn't say 'bust that stick', she says 'bust that kick'.
it means if someone says "i dont mean to bust your chops" it means i dont want to offend or embarass you...
Im pretty sure he is saying "bust it baby". His nut. bust it. get it?
Bust means failure ofeconomy and Boom meanssuccess of economy
sometimes when a woman is wet itll get pasty when it starts to dry and it sorta turns whitish/clear what the heck is a gusset?
Bust out fuxxing laughing