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Boondocks means some sort of remote place. From the Tagalog (Philippine) word for mountains, and it entered English via the American soldiers stationed there after the Spanish-American war in 1898.

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12y ago

to sit in the front row of your classroom by letter order example k s y student sit in the front row abc students sit in the back row to make it fare

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12y ago

is about Riley who is hood and g he can do anything he want and Huey is good boy he try to stay out in trouble and grandpa he whoop them if they get in trouble tom is a nice and his a lawyer

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The theme song to the TV show The Boondocks is called "Judo Flip."

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Wingmen - The Boondocks - was created on 2006-03-05.

Why did the boondocks end?

If by canal you mean cancel , they never did. It just took a while to make season 2.

Make a sentence with the word 'boondocks'?

Answer 1:"He lived out in the boondocks."Answer 2:"We used to live way out in the boondocks where nobody was around; way out in the country, where there was no city for miles."

What is the theme of the boondocks?

It's just called "Boondocks Theme Song" but it's by Asheru

What is the name of the song to the boondocks intro?

It's just called "Boondocks Theme Song" by Asheru

When was Home Alone - The Boondocks - created?

Home Alone - The Boondocks - was created on 2007-12-17.