It means he represents VA, because he's from Tappahannock, Virginia.
Two - song - was created on 2009-06-22.
Takes Two to Tango - song - was created in 1952.
The song Sherry Baby was recorded by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. This song was released in 1962. The song is two minutes and thirty-two seconds in length.
song 1 and song 2
Auburn's song means we are perfect together or you complete me.
keyboard perfect two note
perfect two
The Itunes know it is an old song.
Louis Armstrong.
Lady 95 by Styx Or perfect two by Auburn on youtube
No. I'm actually trying to figure out way right now :/
Perfect Two!!! <3 OMG that song is the cutest!
The first two lines of the Canadian band Sum41's song "Pieces" are, "I tried to be perfect/but nothing was worth it". This acoustic song was on their 2004 CD, "Chuck".
swan song
nobodys perfect and who said
It means you two are perfect for each other or you two are just weird