Andante is a musical term referring to the speed at which a piece of music should be played. It means 'slowly', or at a walking pace.
Maestoso means majestic, with passion. and andante is a "tempo" indication, it means fast.
It just means "melody".
Ritardando is a musical term meaning to gradually slow down in tempo.
The musical term for a singing voice that vibrates is vibrato. It is produced by rapidly changing the pitch just slightly.
Andante is a musical term used to mean "at a moderately slow pace", usually approximated to "walking pace".
Andante means moderately Portando is to carry
The term 'Andante' means 'in an easy pace'. 'Con moto' means 'more moved'. 'Quasi allegretto' means 'like moderately fast'. Therefore the meaning of the whole term is 'as in an easy pace but more moved like moderately fast'.
There are a few musical terms that start with the letter "a": accent, accelerando, accidental, adagio, allargando, allegretto, allegro, andante, andantino, atonal
Andante, and/or Andante Moderato
It can be, yes, or it could be soft. The term "andante" is a tempo indication, not a dynamic marking.
Andante is a term that refers to a tempo.
Andante is a term that refers to a tempo.
Adagio means "to play slowly". This tempo marking is slower than andante, but a bit faster than largo.
Andante is a term used to describe the tempo, or speed, of a piece. It means at a (moderate) walking pace.