An alternate setting is one that is used when the initial setting is not in use or not available. The preferredis the initial but sometimes an alternate is used in its place.
Yes, William Shatner did have a son named William Shatner Jr. in an alternate universe.
Yes, Malcolm McDowell did have a son named Malcolm McDowell Jr. In an alternate universe.
Yes, Colin Farrell did have a son named Colin Farrell Jr. In an alternate universe.
the setting is
Yes they can!
if you have the alternate color setting on, every person is blue. if you don't, the blue player indicators are for friendlies
Hades' alternate names mean 'the unseen one' and 'the rich one'.
It depends on what you mean by alternate. If you mean what I think you mean, then, for example, you could substitute (or sometimes called alternate) 1 cup milk with 1/2 tsp. lemon juice if you didn't have buttermilk. Otherwise, I have no clue what you mean.
it depends if your controller setting is classic then we do tackle with X or else if controller setting is alternate then we tackle with B
Hades' alternate Roman name is Pluto, it means 'the rich one'.
Alternate means two things coming one after the other, then repeating.
Shorten it. Like Ben is the shortened version of Benjamin.
An alternate tender means for a credit card means a vendor or purchaser presents an alternate form of payment.
alternate = "Other" ... primary= alternate= **a second email account address if you have one.
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